Our Center

Creative Room

An interactive workspace that promotes collaboration and teamwork. The sanctuary where all the cool products are made.


From mobile development to website applications, we have a small but versatile team of developers to create products that take Syriac to the digital age.

Recording Studio

A hub for all of our music that you love, and an ever-free facility for our local community. A full fledge studio hand-built by our team.


Organization is the secret to success. We have a dynamic and collaborative leadership structure to adminster all aspects of the BET KANU production and outreach.


With dwindling job opportunities in troubled times, we continuously train our team with vital, technical, and leadership skills to improve their careers and their future endeavors.

Garden Team

The love we have for nature, is the same for language. We maintain and nurture the garden to foster creative ideas and happier well-being.

See us at work!